Frequently Asked Questions

Questions often appearing in the context of the workshops.

Do we need to follow the given agenda?

For the publicly available workshops the agenda is fixed. If all participants of a workshop agree then slight modifications can be done on the fly. However, we cannot promise such modifications upfront.

For custom workshops (get in touch with us) the agenda can be freely changed upfront. We are open to all suggestions.

How much experience do you have with those workshops?

Micro frontends are a rather new thing, but we've successfully applied and talked about them for quite some time now. We are actively giving workshops in this area since 2019 for companies, as well as in the context of some larger conferences around the world.

The workshop is scheduled for tomorrow but unfortunately I cannot make it. What now?

Such things can happen. Ideally, you'll find a replacement. In other cases we can either try to find an alternative slot for you or get something else done. Just get in touch and we'll find a solution.

Will the workshop be recorded?

If all participants agree we can record the workshop and provide it as a private video. Note that sharing the video is forbidden - it needs to be exclusively used to recap the material by the participants of the workshop.

I have a question but I don't feel comfortable asking. What now?

It's okay. Just write us a private message via your favorite communication channel. We'll try our best to handle the matter in a way that does not make you feel uncomfortable. Our aim is to give workshops that provide a great basis for learning new topics together.